Friday, April 20, 2012
Evaluation- Comparing my products use of conventions to a real media product
This is a clear comparison of my contents and title pages with actual products. As visible both my products display logos, like the actual media product 'SPORT' (bottom left-hand corner). This clearly indicates the author or company which has composed the product, which in my case is Trinity School itself which indeed the target audience is all familiar with. Also, my bold, centred and colourful titles stand out to promote the subject of the magazine (sport) and to attract the attention of potential readers; as does the real media product which clearly displays 'SPORT' to inform audiences of the magazines topic. However, its title is more exclaimed due to its larger font size and direct plainess. Furthermore, the actual product displays conventional cover lines on its page whereas my product does not which in turn does not promote my magazine as much and may suggest little skill level has been used to create it. Moreover, my images are not central and dominant as they are in the real media product which results in a more pronounced and professional look to it. Also 'SPORT' magazine uses alternations in colour and a consistent layout to make their magazine more attractive to the passing eye whereas my magazine pages are still as colourful but not as well presented which may deter potential readers as it may give out an disorganised format.
Evaluation- My representative social group, what institutions might distribute my product and why?
My product represents particular social groups using imagery, and the use of logo and text. The product is aimed at Trinity School, and in particular, sport-fans or sporty pupils. Beings as the Trinity School logo is present, the audience would range in age from 11-18 (years 7- Upper 6th Form) and also through to teachers or staff that take a keen enthusiasm in sport either competitively or just as a hobby. The content is concerning sports so it would therefore naturally appeal to sporting students or those interested in sports attending Trinity School. The uses of imagery, such as PE teachers participating in sporting activities within the school's facilities, is designed to show off the quality of teachers participation and skill levels in sport and the passion for sport within Trinity.
Owing to the fact that my magazine is about school sport within Trinity, my most likely distributor would be the school itself. Publishing and widely distributing my finished product around the school free of charge to its pupils to further encourage and instil sport within the pupils both to participate leisurely and competitively. This would benefit the school variously by having fitter pupils and more successful sporting teams which could advertise the school to other members of the public to strengthen their desire for their children to attend Trinity. Therefore this is why the school would participate and actively distribute my magazine in order to raise awareness of the school and promote its already established name.
Owing to the fact that my magazine is about school sport within Trinity, my most likely distributor would be the school itself. Publishing and widely distributing my finished product around the school free of charge to its pupils to further encourage and instil sport within the pupils both to participate leisurely and competitively. This would benefit the school variously by having fitter pupils and more successful sporting teams which could advertise the school to other members of the public to strengthen their desire for their children to attend Trinity. Therefore this is why the school would participate and actively distribute my magazine in order to raise awareness of the school and promote its already established name.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Evaluation- What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt various aspects from differing forms of technologies and softwares. Such as I have never personally really used high optimum megapixel cameras before and during my project have done so, also I have learnt how to then transfer them to a storage system on a computer to make them compatible for use in pieces of work such as I did in my Photo Romance previously. This task also honed my skills and knowledge in programs such as photoshop which again I have used previously in my work, I have now been able to manipulate image sizes, shapes and overall appearances to what I desire them to do and to create graphics and import and place them into my work on different softwares. Furthermore, my knowledge of print media has broadened through the research of other magazines based on the same topics which has benefited and aided me in the construction and creation of my own pieces.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The above are a few examples of music within this genre and the lyrical content associated with my chosen genre. This also shows the iconography and appearance associated with Rap/Grime artists and the themes they carry throughout their music.
The above are a few examples of music within this genre and the lyrical content associated with my chosen genre. This also shows the iconography and appearance associated with Rap/Grime artists and the themes they carry throughout their music.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Through my research, I've found that there's certain elements that feature in this genre of magazine that encourage its purchase. Such as the fashion or costume of the individuals or groups as key images in the magazine, their clothing is normally dark and baggy and mostly involves hoodies and colourful trainers such as Nike Air Forces or some brand of high-top footwear. Also, the 'bling' look with exhuberant jewelery shows their wealth and increases the popularity of their overall image to their fans; custom-made jewelery and clothing is also common as normally the stories behind their designs are significant to the artists life, such events in their lives (shootings, gang culture, family upbringing problems etc.). this can also be the case with their tattoos as they are also associated with this genre, but these are majoritively symbolistic of significant events that have happened in their lives (for example, Lil Waynes 'tears' tattoos coming down form his eyes, representing deaths of his fellow gang mates). This gave me pointers into what I need to include in my magzine pages, their text, images and layouts. Therefore, I will apply these aspects into my magzine to make it as realistic as possible.
Connotative & Denotative Analysis (Main)
Above is my research into my magazine genre (Rap), with 2 samples from title, contents and double-page spreads layouts from 2 different magazines (Vibe & XXL- Both American). I have analysed and evaluated their features in detail which has helped me identify compulsory elements to be included in my magzaine.
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